Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Running Game

"Aw man. That was the first time I died in awhile."

A warlock friend, who was playing in a different zone asked me what happened. "I had two monsters on me, so I sat there and watched them kill me. My Feign Death was on cooldown and I didn't have any health potions left," I told him. "You didn't try to run?" he asked. "Well I barely had a thousand health , I'm dazed, and these guys are hitting me for two-hundred. Where was I gonna go?"

So it goes.

In World of Warcraft, a fair amount of time is spent running away from fights you can't win, and that's if you can run away at all. If you are running away from a monster, they have a chance to cause you to be "Dazed" which effectively halves your movement speed. If you happen to be mounted, not only are you dismounted, but now for the next four seconds you have to either fight the monster or run out of it's combat range so you can mount again.

Hunters are easily one of the best classes for this. We can send our pets as a distraction while we run away, set a freezing trap to stop pursuers in their tracks, and basically dump combat mode every thirty seconds. In contrast, Warriors probably have it the worst; other classes like Mages can Frost Nova, Rogues can Sprint away and Vanish from sight entirely, Warlocks can makes enemies run in Fear and the rest can heal themselves. Warriors have none of these benefits. So when a fight is going bad for them, they'll usually have no other recourse other than to die fighting.

Now I'm in Hellfire Peninsula, a zone I'm a little high for and ...wait, what's that flying buzz saw heading towards me?

So it goes.

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