Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's time to come clean...

The first step is admitting you have a problem. I...was addicted to arcane specialization. I called myself an Arcanist and was proud of it, even if I was met with derision for not being frost. However, my tenure as an Arcanist has now come to end.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but I was afraid of fire specialization. Back in the day, if you were raiding Molten Core, it was either frost or GTFO. I rebelled against frost almost entirely for that reason, and fire didn't look exactly appealing either. Arcane was a pretty easy choice for me to make. However, yesterday I unlearned all my talents on a whim and tried out fire.

I discovered I had a higher calling as a Fire Mage. For some reason, didn't think I'd be able to control it. Specialization for a mage doesn't exactly turn the class mechanics upside down. Looking back on it, it seems silly of me to have been fearful of the power a fire mage wields. I've fully embraced the specialization now, maybe I'll even work up enough courage to play with fire.